At 20:18 25/02/2001 +1300, Matthew Thomas wrote:
>JLP wrote:
> >
> > Niko Pavlicek wrote:
> >...
> > > I'd like the proposal with a popup or another error message which
> > > asks the user what mozilla should do.
> >
> > I agree with showing the error message to the user. It should also
> > have an option to remember his choice for this error and use it
> > automativally with future errors.
>Oh yeah, baby!
>     +------------------------------------------------------------+
>     |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|
>     +------------------------------------------------------------+
>     |  .   The link you have selected points to the address      |
>     | /!\  "http:/fmf/wwwpages/fmf_models.html", which           |
>     | """  contravenes IETF RFC 2396 (AFAICT), C.E.T., CBE,      |
>     |      section 5, clause 4 (hereinafter referred to as "the  |
>     |      clause"). As punishment for clicking on a broken      |
>     |      link, you have to deal with this alert.               |
>     |                                                            |
>     |      Which address do *you* think the author meant?        |
>     |      (*) http://fmf/wwwpages/fmf_models.html               |
>     |      ( )      |
>     |      ( ) How the #%!@ am I supposed to know?               |
>     |                                                            |
>     |      [ ] Remember this decision for invalid schemes in the |
>     |          future, even though the correct choice will be    |
>     |          different on each occasion                        |
>     |                                                            |
>     |      ( Uninstall Mozilla )       ( Cancel ) (( Continue )) |
>     +------------------------------------------------------------+

:-) That which thou wouldst fix thou must first ridicule unto the seventh 
generation thereof.

For the umpteenth time I'm reminded to go find a free form painting app for 
you, if only to reduce the incidence of blindnesss amongst the 
readership.  Though I spose you want it on the Mac.


>Matthew `mpt' Thomas, Mozilla user interface QA
>Mozilla UI decisions made within 48 hours, or the next one is free

If I'd known I would spend so much time sorting and rearranging boxes
I'd have paid more attention at kindergarten

S.P. Lucy

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