> > Mozilla copies every URL you visit into an OS-readable *textfield* (in
> And what's a *textfield*?  Does it reside in a *textfile* somewhere?

No. A textfield is a widget - a small bit of UI - for typing text into.
Like a URL bar.
> > the same way that other browsers use them for their URL bars by default.
> I'm guessing here, but I'd wager a 12-pack of Dewskis that IE uses the
> registry for such functionality.

No. IE does not use the registry for its URL bar. Otherwise you would need
to run regedit to go anywhere.
> "Native textfield"?  What, pray tell, would that be exactly?  I'm not
> aware of any "Textfield API" on Why2K, POSIX systems, the Mac, etc.

Really? You'll find them in every GUI toolkit I can think of.
> Ok, what is this "MediaMetrix" client?  A third party deal, or an AOL
> deal?  

It's no sort of deal at all. Lots of companies make browser addons without
a specific "deal" and this is one of them.

> Regardless, seeing as Mozilla doesn't even register on the usage
> charts, seems pretty stupid to be to be trying to gather any sort of
> statistics from the handful of Mozilla users floating around.

It doesn't gather browser usage statistics. It gathers _site_ usage

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