On Fri, 27 Apr 2001 22:49:07 +0000 (UTC), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>You're a troll.  People ignore you, or ask you to go away, because you 
>continue to rant the same drivel again and again.  You make the same stupid
>statements over and over, and when people provide the SAME ANSWERS to the 
>same stupid statements, you call it "religion".
>- You say Mozilla is slow.  It isn't.
>- You say Mozilla is bloated compared to IE.  On fair ground, it isn't.

So JTK is a troll just because he thinks Mozilla is a bloated, slow, memory
hog? Rubbish. It certainly is on Windows, and JTK makes a lot of valid
points, especially against arguments like, "Oh, it'll be improved by 1.0",
or "it's fast with 256MB RAM." The improvements by 1.0 aren't likely to be
substantial. Similarly, I can just as easily call you a troll for
disagreeing that Mozilla isn't a resource pig. That's what you've done.


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