> >> Your bound to make alot of people mad talking like that
> > Oh I excel at that sir. ;-)
> Trolls usually do.

<SIZZLE!> OUCH!  You got me GOOD there Mr. Hume!
> > I don't disagree.  A fat, out of shape guy running a mile is a major
> > accomplishment.  For him.  But he's no competition for Olympic
> And you're the guy sitting in a lawn chair criticizing him as he runs by.

No.  To belabor the metaphor further, I'm the guy looking for sombody to
enter into the Olympics.  Who do I pick of the three candidates, two of
which do six minute miles, one of which runs ok (as long as the sun
stays behind a cloud) for somebody the build of Ralph Kramden?

> Even if he hasn't accomplished a lot (which I disagree with) he's done a lot
> more than you have.

And, I assume, you?

> There are those who TALK, and those who DO.  You are not the latter.

What are you?  You a DOer?  Or not even a TALKer?
> > desperately wanted Mozilla's to be a viable replacement for it.  It
> > isn't.  It won't be by 1.0 time.  I don't believe it ever will be.
> So don't use it.  Get over it.

I wish I could, but as I've said a billion times now,
Netscape/AOL/SoylentWarner won't let me, they keep the carcass alive so
that none of us can grieve.

> > I haven't used Netscape email since I got Outlook, because Outlook is
> > simply so much more advanced, slick, and usable.  Of course, it can
> "Scientists believe foot and mouth to be first virus not transmitted by
> Microsoft Outlook".  That fact that so many people found that funny kind of
> says it all.

Yeah, kinda says that you apparently have nothing to do other than count
the number of people who find SatireWire stories funny, and argue with
me.  So come on Mr. Hume, at least tell us how many people found it

> You're a troll.

You're a poopy-pants.

>  People ignore you,

You don't.

> or ask you to go away,

I don't think you've done that either.

> because you
> continue to rant the same drivel again and again.  You make the same stupid
> statements over and over,

Stupid statements?  Such as?  Oh, sorry, you got nothing there do you?

> and when people provide the SAME ANSWERS to the
> same stupid statements, you call it "religion".

Yep.  What do you call it?
> - You say Mozilla is slow.  It isn't.

It is.  Take a peek over at .performance, if you dare.  "Gimme that ol'
tyme religion, gimme that ol' tyme religion....!"

> - You say Mozilla is bloated compared to IE.  On fair ground, it isn't.

Hehehehee!!  Yes, it is, and I'm going to embarass you quite a bit on
this one:

***Communicator 4.77***, BOTH browser AND email/newsgroup reader up, 


Yeuh-oh!  Look what you almost stepped in!  So maybe let's drop IE out
of the discussion entirely for now.  I think this is embarrasing enough
for the time being.

"Gimme that ol' tyme religion..."

> - You say Mozilla is taking too long to develop.  Its taken HALF the time it
> took to get IE to an equivalent point.

I don't recall there being an IE at all in 1995.  Better check your
scriptures there Child of the Living Mozilla.

> - You say the UI to Mail and News is bad.  To me, the UI to the mail/news
> client in NS4, AND IE, AND Outlook, AND Agent, are horrible.

None are perfect.  No, not one.  But some are just horsesh*t.

>  Netscape and
> Microsoft and Forte aren't going to change their UIs to suit just me.  Mozilla
> isn't going to change its UI to suit just you.

Right, but my question is, when is it going to be usable?

> - You whine about the UI.  There ARE native UI implementations of the Mozilla
> engine.  You just don't want to use them.

Huh?  I'd use them!  Hell, I use K-Meleon more than I use Mozilla
proper, and that's still using a back around late February Gecko!  Not
to mention it contains no email/newsreader, the whole reason I have any
interest in Mozilla at all!

>  That isn't Mozilla's fault.

Of course it is.  If Mozilla had a native UI, there'd be no need for
other lagging native UI implementations!

> Now, you're probably sitting back giggling because you think you've gotten
> me worked up.

Yeah, I am, but not for the post I'm responding to - I'm imagining the
look on your face when you see those Communicator 4.77/Mozilla numbers
above!  I've never imagined somebody's face so red!

>  Sorry, I don't care all that much.

Hence your extensive knee-jerk responses.

>  I just find it amusing
> when 'armchair coders' sit about shouting their "expert advice" when they
> have no idea the whats, hows, or whys.

What part of Mozilla did you code Mr. Hume?  Give me some of the ideas
of the "whats, hows, or whys" involved in making
interpreted-from-ASCII-text faster than compiled native code?  How's
that done Mr. Hume?  Why hasn't it been done, Mr. Hume?  What's the
inevitable result, Mr. Hume?
> Offensiveness + Persistence + Ignorance = Troll.

Offensiveness?  Where?  When?
Ignorance?  About what, Mozilla's insane memory usage?  No, I got some
pretty solid numbers backing that up.
Persistance?  Guilty as charged!  So what does one out of three make me,
a mere gnome?  An elf maybe?  No, a pixie!  Can I be the Mozilla Pixie?

Or perhaps simply someone who's loudly yelling truths you don't want to

>  You are a troll.

I'd be offended by that if I wasn't so ignorant.

>  And the
> appropriate place for a troll is the killfile, so, sadly, I must forego my
> own entertainment to provide a proper example...

Does Mozilla's killfile even work?  Or aren't you using Mozilla to read
> --
> Brandon Hume    - hume -> BOFH.Halifax.NS.Ca, http://WWW.BOFH.Halifax.NS.Ca/
>                        -> Solaris Snob and general NOCMonkey

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