And it came to pass that Jared Breland wrote:

> This may have been discussed here previously, but I couldn't
> find anything about it on Bugzilla.  In Netscape
> Communicator, the right-click context menu appears when you
> press down the button.  In IE and now Mozilla/Netscape 6,
> the context menu doesn't appear until you release the mouse
> button.  I've always found it much more convenient to 
> right-click on something (say, a link), then scroll down the
> the choice I want (say, Open in new window) and just release
> the button to open it, rather than clicking, waiting,
> selecting, then click again.  I know this seems like I'm
> just bitching for the hell of bitching, but this is one of
> those reasons I've always liked about Netscape more than IE.
>  Any chance this will be fixed (or, if it's not considered
> something that needs to be fixed, something that will be
> implemented)?  Thanks. 

GAHH! Your preference is the style I LOATHE.  Last time I tried 
using a Mac, I nearly beat the thing with a bat because of that 
behavior.  Then I did throw the thing accross the room when I 
realized there was no eject button for the floppy.

They never did let me back into that Kinko's.  Serve's em right, 
Mac-loving scum.

Once in awhile, there has been a glitch where you had to hold 
down the right-button.  But normal Netscape operation has always 
been to right CLICK, not right-HOLD.

And I will personally beat to death anyone who attempts to 
change this behavior.  ;-)
}:-)       Christopher Jahn
{:-(         Dionysian Reveler
Brain fried -- Core dumped
To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

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