you should file a bug.   we look at the talkback data in order from
the most frequent/top crashes folks see to the bottom of the list unless
there are special request like start up crashes and such, so there is a 
chance that
a bug has not been filed on this if lots of folks are not seeing the 

when you say "dies on startup"  does it crash and have the talkback 
dialog come up,
or does it just sit there in a suspended/hung state?

I see a periodic problem that if I haven't shut down cleanly (crash or hang)
then my next sessions don't start until I remove the cache....

go to your user profile directory and remove the folder/directory
called "newcache" and try to start again.   see if that works.

send comments/questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you want somebody
to go dig out a stack trace for a talkback report you have sent in or
try to correlate your problem to something others might be seeing.


chris h.

Thomas Wolf wrote:

> Not sure if this is the right group, but...
> Last week I started noticing the new-and-improved theme on the
> nightlies.  All seemed well, except for the occasional crash (such
> as when "Forwarding" mail and at the end of a download (when the
> download window is supposed to close.)  So, I thought I'd download
> a more recent nightly....but every nightly I've tried since
> Monday's dies on startup.  Has anyone experienced this?  I didn't
> see anything in any recent posting.
> As an aside: I also did this with the "talkback" versions of the
> nightly.  Does anyone actually look at the bugs reported through there
> or should I be filing bugs myself through bugzilla?
> Ciao,
> tom

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