Posting this feature suggestion for someone:

NETSCAPE (GOLD) has a good and very useful feature
when saving email.
Example of feature suggestion: When saving an email
with the name letter.txt,
for example, as one begins to type each letter, the
email program displays
all files with the name "letter". Even when entering
the first letter, "l",
it displays all the files in the save directory that
begin with "l".  A
feature like this is very useful, if for example,
letter1 ... letter7 exist,
one quickly knows to save the next as "letter8"
without manually searching
for all files with that name in the directory. 
Hopefully this feautre may
be enabled in the next version of the program,
Mozilla/Netscape.  Please
refer this suggestion to developers that may be
interested in adding this
feature.  Thank you.

Side note: Does anyone know of any other email program
with a feature like this?

Please email any replies as well.

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