Randall Parker wrote:

> Running NT4 Sp6a. 
> For the last several days I've been getting an error on start-up for Moz 
> daily builds. I just tried the latest one 2001051308 for today and ditto:
> The procedure entry 
> point?IndexOf@nsStringArray@@QBEHABV?$basic_nsAReadableString@G@@@Z could not 
> be located in in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll.
> My xpcom.dll is from May 13 2001 and is 394,240 in size.
> Is anyone else seeing this problem?


The only way to make this bug disappear currently is to
1) Uninstall Mozilla using the uninstall panel of Windows (standard 
Add/Remove Program procedure)
2) Reinstall it with the installer or a zip build.

This has worked for several people, however not for all.


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