On Sun, 13 May 2001 23:39:16 +0200 esteemed Fabian Guisset did'st hold forth 
> http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71010
> The only way to make this bug disappear currently is to
> 1) Uninstall Mozilla using the uninstall panel of Windows (standard 
> Add/Remove Program procedure)
> 2) Reinstall it with the installer or a zip build.
> This has worked for several people, however not for all.


I am reading down thru the comments. I see someone reported that some people 
have gotten rid of it by deleting psmglue.dll. However, I do not have that 
file. I do have some other dlls that are older. I wonder if they are being 
loaded and are not being used but are referencing a function that no longer 

Anyone know if the dlls from this director excerpt that have March and April 
2001 dates are still used:

 Directory of  G:\prg\moz\bin\components\*.dll

 2/15/01  10:56       1,823,744  gkhtml.dll
 3/19/01   7:56          20,480  qfaservices.dll
 3/19/01   7:56         146,992  fullsoft.dll
 4/27/01  14:56           9,168  mozucth.dll
 4/27/01  14:56           7,952  signed.dll

I'm tempted to go thru one at a time and rename each one to a different name 
and then start Moz and see if it starts and without an error message.

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