JTK wrote:

> Ian Hickson wrote:
>>On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, JTK wrote:
>>>Except 20MB and 8 times slower rendering.
>>Well, 10MB and 4 times, but who can blame you for exaggerating.
> Touche, mon ami.  The difference between IE's memory usage and
> Mathuzilla's is in fact not ~20MB (that's Maozilla's total usage), I
> apologize for the mistake and any confusion it may have caused. 
> Maozilla in fact uses about twice as much memory as IE, so I should have
> in fact said something more along the lines of ~10MB (actually the last
> time I looked it was more like ~12MB, but what's two megabytes compared
> to the factor of two difference?).
> As for the "4 times", it was stated by somebody in .performance only a
> week or so ago to be ~8 times slower.  I have no way to directly compare
> myself, so I can only repeat what I've heard from others.
>>I refer people who want to know the accurate numbers to the
>>n.p.mozilla.performance newsgroup.
> Well that's the rub, ain't it Hixie?  There really are no official,
> reproducable numbers in .performance or anywhere else as to Maozilla's
> performance in relation to either its predecessor or IE, is there? 
> Where's the charts and graphs showing Mathuzilla's progress on rendering
> time, memory hoggage, etc, compared to these other browsers?

Actually, these are posted daily.  Page load times, startup times, 
memory leak charts.  If you knew how to work your newsreader I imagine 
you could find them

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