Ashant wrote:

> Jay Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>* wrote:
> <snipped a lot of well-deserved praise for mozilla>

And it is truly well-deserved, though admittedly I have been gentle on 
it (haven't gone to any java-oriented sites 'cos I dont understand how 
to setup java for mozilla...will make another post about that.)

>>Maybe you should try using Mozilla to read/reply these groups ... :-D
> Even I had tried doing that for some time ... but the news component
> is too buggy right now, especially the offline features. Its easy to
> read messages online, but I am in a position to not be able to do that
> all the time. So I am back to my old news client for the time being.

<rambling anectdote>
Ok, I felt a little chastised after reading the 'try using the 
newsreader' comment. So I thought "ok, hey, I should give this a shot".
Esp as I ripped out SuSE 6.2 and replaced it w/ Slackware 7.1. I have 
NEVER gotten SLRN to work on SW. So, I have 4 swapfiles (a 
misconfiguration I intend to fix...but that's neither here nor there) 
but I don't have them automattically run at start up.
So, I reboot. I start X (using fvwm95 as my wm). I fire up an X-term and
run mozilla. Daym the groups are a slow.
So, I log in as root on a virtual console and run 'free'. I forgot to 
set up my swapfiles. "D'oh!". I run "swapon /Swap*" log out, and then
kill X and start over.
I start X. I load mozilla again, and run the news client. It's *just as 
slow* as running it on my bare 64mb. So, I run free again.
I'm 100mb into my swapfile(s). Just from running X,fvwm95,the mozilla
browser and the newsclient.
</rambling anectdote> this typical? I can believe it is because of my experiences w/ 
netscape 4.x. (I keep a HUGE amount of swap space -300mb- for the times 
when I have to use netscape to make a largeish post onto a web-board.) 
But if that's the case, then I need to stick to a newsreader that 
requires/requests less ram because I have less ram.

So...I'm using the client for the moment, but it may not be the right 
one for me to use given my constraints.

> Hope mozilla gets better in those areas pretty soon.
> Ashant.
> PS: I am impresssed too! Thanks!!!

I'm still impressed w/ the web browser...wich is what I mainly want to 
use in the first place! :-)


-Random, swappin' like a fool....

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