Having the same problem...

I tried exactly as you suggested, but still no more entries in 
about:plugins - I know I've got the reight directory since removing the 
libnullplugin.so file removes it from the about:plugins list

Mandrake 8.0
Mozilla 0.9.2 from binaries



RM wrote:

> let me tell you exactly what i did:
> rh7.1 (updated)
> mozilla 0.9.2
> latest ximian gnome.
> i tried using the jre.xpi, unzipping it and making a link in my plugins
> folder.  however, it was buggy and slow (it's not even a jre1.3 release).
> SO, i downloaded the jre 1.3 from sun, installed that and linked it up,
> and it was buggy and caused crashes.
> SO, i downloaded the jre 1.3.1 from sun, installed that and everything
> works great.
> go to http://www.sun.com and download the linux jre 1.3.1
> look for a mozilla directory in /usr/lib (if you installed from RPMS).
> you might have several mozilla's in there depending on what you've
> installed and how.  you will have to figure out which mozilla is the
> correct one.  the latest mozilla RPMS for 0.9.2 uses the plain mozilla
> directory.
> if you've installed from Ximian RPMS, then you might see a mozilla-0.9.1
> directory as well (or ones like it).
> install the jre 1.3.1 from sun (just run the binary, and it will blow
> open). now, in the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugin directory, you need to create a
> link.
> ln -s /usr/java/jre1.3.1/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so
> libjavaplugin_oji.so
> (if you installed the jre in /usr/java)
> when you restart mozilla, type "about:plugins" in the address bar.  you
> should see a bunch of java stuff in there.  if you don't,
> then you probably put the link in the wrong mozilla directory.
> good luck!
> Ron McKown
> Jorge Kinoshita wrote:
>> Hello, It's not an answer; but I am confirming your problem and I also
>> would like a solution.
>> I saw Mozilla 0.9.1 working with Java very well (from binaries). I
>> installed 0.9.2 from source and when it needed jvm, it came as plug-in.
>> Now mozilla closes in every page with java.
>> Hope someone says the solution.
>> grzes wrote:
>>>I have installed Mozilla 0.9.2 and Java plugin from
>>>ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/netscape6/english/6.01/unix/linux22/xpi in
>>>home directory of mozilla.
>>>Then I made a link to a library of plugin in plugin home directory of
>>>mozilla: ln -s jre-image-i386/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so
>>>Now, my mozilla goes dead when I enter a site which needs javaplugin on
>>>the internet. Only mozilla process kill helps me now.
>>>My configuration:
>>>PIII 850 MHz, 128 MB, Linux RH7.1 with kernel 2.4.2-2.
>>>Thank you in advance for any sugestions .
>>>My real email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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