Christopher Jahn wrote:

> And it came to pass that Peter Lairo wrote:
>>J.B. Moreno wrote:
>>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Lairo
>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>>>Just create a new mail and make sure the formatting bar is
>>>>visible (font, bold, underline, add table, etc.). I you
>>>>place the curser in the body of your message, the little
>>>>button on the left will say "body", if the curser is in
>>>>your signature, trhe button says "preformat". 
>>>Ah, well, that doesn't really have anything to do with
>>>anything.  At least not anything to do with why the
>>>signature should come after the body.  As has been said any
>>>number of times, the reason the signature comes after the
>>>body is because that is what it *is*: the text that comes
>>>after the body, and is separated by it by the sigdash. 
>>Wrong, *MY signature should come after MY body text*, and
>>not way down below after a bunch of other body texts by any
>>number of people. 
> No, Peter, YOU'RE wrong; by quoting those people, you've made 
> those texts a PART of your message.
> The solution you need isn't to break the .sig, but to place the 
> quotes into an attached file.

That's silly, when I send a fax and attach another document for 
reference, I don't put my signature at the end of the last atachment, I 
put it at the end of my own fax document (THEN come the attachments). So 
whether i'm forwarding/replying inline or with attachments should make 
no difference. *My signarure should be at the end of my text*.

>>>To speak of the sig being in the middle of the message is
>>>roughly the equivalent of talking about the headers that
>>>come in the middle of the message. 
>>Wrong again, it's a matter of *MY signature coming after MY
>>body text*. It's so clear, I don't see why you don't get it.
> Because you're wrong ;-)
> As stated above, by quoting, you make the quotes a part of *your 
> mesage*.  THAT's so clear, I don't see why YOU don't get it.
> It's the same in ANY correspondence.  The rules of style and 
> format do not change with the medium.

I see your point, but I disagree. I think it's a matter of preference or how one 
chooses to view it. I see it as follows:

| dear sir,
| bla bla bla
| sincerely,      <--- my signature is here !!!
| Peter
| attachments: previous correspondence for your reference





Peter Lairo

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