
    Of late, I've been installing the various Mozilla
"stable" releases (0.9.1, 0.9.2, etc.) and, needless to
say, have been VERY impressed with it - it's my default
browser for almost everything except for brain-dead
sites that require me to use IE. Congratulations and 
sincere Thanks to all of you who made this possible.
I digress, however.

The point is, as recommended, I uninstall the old version
and then freshly install the new release. In fact, I take
this advice to the extreme and remove ALL files related
to Mozilla - files related to my profile, mozver.dat etc.
from the Windoze folder - before installing the new release.
And it has worked PERFECTLY every time - I've had no problems
after installation.

However, this is QUITE painful, though somewhat ameliorated
by backing up address books, bookmarks, etc. SO...Isn't there
an easier way of doing this? I mean, shouldn't it be OK if
I let my old profile hanging there, including cookie permissions,
image permissions (man, I LOVE this feature!), etc.?

Would the gurus here be kind enough to enlighten this poor

And BTW, the Java plug-in DOES NOT WORK. Period. I've tried a
zillion-and-one things, yes, including all the things suggested
in this newsgroup, but it just does not work. But this is
another digression, I fear.

Anyways, thanks in advance for your help and once again, thank
you very much for creating this beauty.


Ranjit Mathew                    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Member (Technical Staff),        Phone:  +91-80-209 75 11/12/13
Torry Harris Business Solutions, Fax:    +91-80-226 84 42
Bangalore, INDIA.                http://www.torryharris.com/

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