>RV wrote:
>> My nephew and niece started using N6.1 final as soon as it got 
>> installed. They switched to the new theme Toy Factory and they said 
>> because of it they will drop using IE.
>You encountered no issues using Toy Factory with NS 6.1 final? I 
>believe, if I remember correctly that the themes page recommends 
>*against* using Toy Factory with the 6.1 final release. If it works 
>without any issues, I might give it a shot.

Just for kicks I installed Toy Factory for use with Mozilla.  Works fine here

Anybody know a good place for themes that work well with Mozilla? (0.9.3)

-- Greg

Greg Spath

Hey folks, I'm currently unemployed and looking for a new job.
If anybody knows of any openings near areas with lots of good
singletrack and mountain bike XC racing events where I could act as
a sysadmin, or security specialist, or perl/apache/database intranet
programmer/administrator, please let me know.

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