In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Lairo wrote:
> Greediy companies are not interested in formatting your hard drive or to 
> whom you are sending jucy love leters - there is no profit in that. 
> There IS, however, a large profit in having a *detailed analysis* of 
> peoples browsing habbits. Hence, there IS motivation to ascertain the 
> URLs from Mozilla in sneaky and unethical ways.

Except that the address book, and the information in it tying together 
email addresses, street addresses, names, and various other personal data 
seems like it would be just as useful a thing to snatch for marketing.  
Shall we remove the address book, too?  It's clearly a significant privacy 

[Hint: the problem is running *any program that isn't trustworthy*.  If 
you're that paranoid about your privacy, *take the extra time to ensure 
the programs you install are reliable*, install a firewall, and various 
other measures.  Don't come crying here about some vast spyware 

Chris Hoess

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