JTK wrote:

>Unless I'm seeing things, I finally got this mother to build, and it
>Couple comments:
>1.  It appears to not build on the 9x series, only the NT series.  That
>kinda sucks, especially since I don't have Why2K at home.
Well, no, I did it for about a year and am still able to. I didn't have 
any trouble setting it up.

>2.  The requirement of command.com/cmd.exe has got to go.  Even on NT we
>all know it's a disaster, and is probably the reason behind #1.

Probably not, since #1 works for myself and others.

>3.  Someone still needs to explain to me why the 'wintools' are needed
>when the equivalent (== much better) Cygwin ones are already there.
>4.  Did I see a Win***16*** target in there?!?!?  Lord.
>5.  Someone also needs to explain to me why I can't do a simple 'cvs
>update'.  I know there's lots of branches and whatnot - gcc has the same
>issues and yet doesn't have these cvs problems.
? What doesn't work? When I do a cvs update it works fine; it updates 
only the branch I pulled...


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