Asa Dotzler wrote:
> JTK wrote:
> <snip>
> > I haven't yet had the energy to try to figure out Bugizilla, set up an
> > account, etc etc.  It's a lot easier to bitch here in public instead of
> > behind closed doors.
> You don't have the energy to type your email address into a form and
> wait a minute or so for Bugzilla to email you a password? You don't have
> the energy to type your problem into a form that might actually lead to
> a fix?

No, I don't.

> And what about Bugzilla isn't public.

Its obscurity.  You know of course I'm not the only one who doesn't have
much desire to figure out how to use the thing.

> You don't even need a login to
> read bugs.

Well reading about bugs that I already know about seems rather
pointless, doesn't it?

> There are over 30,000 Bugzilla account holders, about 15,000
> people active in reporting or commenting in bugs, the database queryable
> and reports are readable on the web.  What about your filing a bug in
> Bugzilla wouddn't be "in public" and how is your comment here any more
> public.

If a tree falls in the woods, does anybody give a damn?

> I'd argue that a webpage is as public or more public than a
> newsgroup posting.

"A" webpage maybe.  The particular one in question, no way.

> --Asa

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