Hi Chuck--

If you've been going by the XBL1.0 document on mozilla.org, that 
document merely defines what XBL *should* be, not necessarily what 
Mozilla currently has implemented.  It was drafted for submission to the 
W3C for consideration.

Also, there have been some changes in the XBL syntax since many of the 
online tutorials were written, that's probably why they don't work for you.

If you include specific parts of your code that aren't working, the 
folks at netscape.public.mozilla.xbl can probably help.


Chuck Shunk wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm not sure if this is the right list to ask this on, but I'm trying to
> start developing in XUL + XBL and I've run into some problems with getting
> bindings to work.  If this is the right forum to ask some questions about
> XBL, could somebody reply please?  And if it isn't, is there a better
> resource out there?  I've read all the online documentation I can find--it
> just seems that things aren't behaving like the docs and tutorials say they
> should.  I've downloaded examples of xbl bindings that are out on the web
> and they don't work when I try them, either with Mozilla 9.3 (some daily
> build or other) or Netscape 6.1.
> Thanks for any help you can give,
> Chuck Shunk

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