On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, JTK wrote:
> So why doesn't Mozilla' news/mail reader do that?  "Because we need it
> to be HTML."  No you don't, you need it to be able to edit text. 
> "Because it's not cross platform.":
> #ifdef WINDOWS
> // Use perfectly good system-supplied text edit control and hit 99.44%
> of the market
> #elif MAC
> // Use whatever the Mac has as for a text edit control
> #else
> // Use flakey reinvented wheel for the remaining 0.000001%
> #endif

Let's see. Here's your proposal:

  Time taken to reinvent the wheel: t.
  Time taken to do "whatever the Mac has": 0.5t.
  Time taken to "use perfectly good" native widget: 0.1t.
  Total time: 1.6t.

Here's what we did instead:

  Time taken to reinvent the wheel: t.
  Total time: t.

Given that t is about 3 years by your estimates, that means that your
proposal would take almost 2 years longer.

Also note that because Mozilla is being used in many embedding situations
(such as OEone) that use Linux instead of Windows as the OS, it turns out
your estimate of the "other platforms"' market share is, how to put it, a
little too low.

Ian Hickson                                     )\     _. - ._.)       fL
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irc.mozilla.org:Hixie _________________________  (.' \) (.' -' __________

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