Blake Ross wrote:
> Peter Lairo wrote:
>> Oh the high and mighty programmers. You remind me of puffed-up royalty 
>> who try to convince the "common people" that only blue blooded persons 
>> could possibly understand the complexities of running a state.
>> Blake, why don't you live in an arab country (or any 
>> monarchy/dictatorship) where there are others who think they are the 
>> only ones capable of making descisions/judgements because they are "in 
>> the know".
> Yes, I think non-programmers shouldn't criticize the time it takes to 
> complete a programming task. Is this really such an absurd concept
>> I know that as programmer, you are frequently exposed to criticism - 
>> and that can be frustrating/alienating/etc. I understand. But, there 
>> is no reason for the arrogance and cynicism you are displaying. I 
>> makes you look weak and insecure. 
> I'm displaying arrogance and cynicism?  You just pointed to wordpad as 
> proof that Mozilla's editor shouldn't have any annoying bugs!
>> PS. If making a decent text editor is so hard (as judged by you 
>> sarcastic response to my inquiry), why then are there (and always have 
>> been) a plethora of share-/freeware text editors? It seems that every 
>> beginning programmer starts out with programming a text editor. 
> Because (a) it's not hard to plop down a standard Windows rich textbox 
> control and start extending it (many of those text editors you mention 
> are just frameworks around a standard Windows control, with some added 
> functionality, and (b) many of those editors can't do half the things 
> that Mozilla's can.
> --Blake

Like adding <lf>s where there shouldn't be? Like when navigating the text with 
the arrow key and instead of continuing to the next line when you get to the 
end of line, the cursor gets transplanted to the beginning of a paragraph? Like 
deciding not to automatically wrap a line of text, seemingly at random? And 
there's more.

Many of those editors would call half the things Mozilla's does "bugs". Maybe 
Mozilla's text editor needs to do a little less.

C'mon, you can't possibly be arguing that Mozilla's broken text editor is good. 
You're using the thing. You should know that it's flakey as hell.


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