And it came to pass that JTK wrote:

> Mustafa Hirji wrote:
>> In article <9mkqja$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] says... 
>> > > Never really understood my starting time is soo
>> > > important. I reather have 5 min startup time, if just
>> > > the browser reacted quick to my use. 
>> >
>> > It's not, as long as you only start the browser up a few
>> > times a day. Before quicklaunch, I found myself starting
>> > Mozilla up several times an hour.  That was not fun. 
>> I have DSL, so I just have my browser startup when I boot. 
>> Stays running all day.
> Ah, not if it's Mozilla it don't.

Au contrair, rejected offspring of a jackass.  I haven't 
experienced a Mozilla crash since 0.6

}:-)       Christopher Jahn
{:-(         Dionysian Reveler
Love as it exists in society is merely the mingling of two 
fantasies and the contact of two skins.
To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

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