rob wrote:
> Hey,
> I do a large amount of local development work with Mozilla and Netscape 
> 6.x ... running off a locally installed web server such as IIS or Apache.
> Here's the deal:
> Basically, on pages with lots of table structures and many sliced 
> graphics (we're talking pages with total sizes upwards of 50k) the pages 
> almost never finish loading and the graphics frequently fail to load, 
> leaving the page incomplete.  Externally loading files, other than the 
> core html, seem to fail frequently, even reloading.  Images, CSS files, 
> and JS files frequently do not load.  The page comes up all distorted 
> (because empty alt tags are being inserted where spacers where, etc.) 
> and frequently unreadable.
> I'm a big fan and advocate of Mozilla, but this can be a real problem 
> for a local developer.  I've checked and the problem is happening on my 
> home machine, my work machine, and two other machines at work running 
> IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000 Professional.  As you may or may not know, IIS 
> on Win2k Professional is limited to 10 simulatneous connections, because 
> Micro$oft wants you to use Server.
> I checked some HTML/PHP sites on Apache and although I can't use it for 
> the project I'm on right now (much of what we do is ASP stuff, sorry!) 
> and guess what? Lets hear it for open source, huh? It works fine on 
> Apache.  Particularly the static ones are telling.  Only thing I can 
> think of is, no connection limits.
> Almost like Mozilla times out connection limits too soon, or something.
> That's the only thing I can think of as being the culprit, but I know 
> very little about the HTTP connections and how Mozilla reads 'em.
> I was wondering if anyone else, maybe someone involved in Necko or what 
> have you could look into this, check the connections, etc. etc. etc.
> I'd appreciate it.  It is a bit of a problem, because Mozilla is the 
> only browser that displays this problem, and so all those great 
> Microsoft Developers which are developing ASP apps locally which we want 
> to convert to Mozilla "true believers" will automatically open up 
> Mozilla and be like, "what is this crap??".
> Thanks.
> :rob

I've had problems with IIS5 too. Mainly, nothing works except the 
\localhost\ directory. I have nothing there [and all external IPs are 
blocked - allowing only for to connect], since I keep each 
WIP-site in a separate location, and share it [i.e. D:\webdev\site1\ is 
mapped to  localhost/site1/]. This works fine in IE, but gives me an error:
"You are not authorized to view this page" in both NS4.x and Mozilla.

I can open the index.html file in Mozilla, then proceed fine through 
file:///whatever/. It's a minor inconvenience, but I have no idea why it 
behaves this way. Anyone have an idea?


Brian Z Jones | down8 at yahoo dot com
Mozilla 0.9.3 | Windows2000 Server SP2

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