> Whatever, I still maintain that LGPLing the whole works solves
> everybody's stated problems.  But then we got that 2/3rds of the code
> that's NPLed, and no intention on AOLs part to change that or accept
> changes to it.

What's the problem? I must of missed it. I dont see it solve everyone's 
problem, for one it dont solve the problem of allowing netscape to use 
the code without been bound to the license for 2 years. If you add extra
clause to it, you'll almost end up with MPL anyway.

Can I ask what part of MPL don't you agree to?

> I don't know how that would be possible the way my script is set up (I'm
> working from locally checked-out files, not searching bugzilla or
> something).  But I would expect they've touched nearly all of them.

Look for something along this line 

"The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
 * Communications Corporation" 

its not complete, but a good estimate..

Another advantage of MPL is it allow mozilla to use code that are licensed

to netscape, such as the jpeg library.


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