Christopher Jahn wrote:

>>>And the cross of the coins STILL came from Christianity. 
>>Really, what source are you basing this on? Or is this some
>>sort of "assimilation" attempt to make *every* cross
>>represent christianity? 
> Peter, you obviously have some issues.  There's no point in this 
> conversation - it has nothing to do with Mozilla, and your 
> insistence that your skewed perception of reality is bolstered 
> by facts when it clearly isn't is tiresome.
> Enjoy your blinders.

CHRISTopher: I pitty the (boring) person that doesn't have any "issues". 
I'm not surprized that you think my arguments are skewed, as your name 
itself indicates what your "blinders" are ;)

I agree with one thing though, this is WAY off topic -> THE END.



Peter Lairo

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