Michael wrote:

> You wonder why no one takes you serious, with posts like this you only 
> want to start a flame war and dont give a rats arse about the graphics.

Actually, it was a good question; just formulated in a slightly 
inflammatory way.

Sometimes it helps to see beyond surface appearances. Or is it: 
Sometimes people (i.e., you) deliberately avoid a topic to push their 
own agenda (i.e., "jtk is bad"). Or is it: "can't see the forest for the 

JTK raises (on occasion) some critical questions that others haven't 
thought of asking. It's often the naysayers and outsiders that keep the 
flock from thoughtlessly marching over a cliff. It takes all kinds of 
people. ;)

I personally do not really like the current stark and 
communist/facist-like artwork. It's too industrial, too crass, not 
refined, not aesthetic, drab colors, etc. Also, the text is too 
one-sided. Too much "for the good of the code" and not enough "come join 
our open source project and make the world a better place" (OK, a bit 
cheesy, but I'm making a point here). I haven't seen ANY Mozilla banners 
in my "travels" - maybe this is why!



Peter Lairo

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