Jason Bassford wrote:
>    Can anybody submit graphics to Mozilla that will be used?  Are
> there any guidelines?  Or must the existing, controversial, genre be
> maintained?  Who decides what submissions are accepted?

Regardless, you can make your own "fan art" such as banners and the like and use
them yourself. If you use the Red Mozilla dino, just make sure you indicate it's
copyright Mozilla.org. A tiny (c)Mozilla.org in a corner should suffice.

Note: I speak for myself, not for Mozilla.org. This post should not be construed
by anyone as Mozilla.org giving permission to break their copyright on the
dinosaur, merely my opinion that they will most likely not mind if you promote
them with your own graphics as long as they get the credit they deserve for
their work.

jesus X  [ Booze-fueled paragon of pointless cruelty and wanton sadism. ]
 email   [ jesusx @ who.net ]
 web     [ http://burntelectrons.com ] [ Updated April 29, 2001 ]
 tag     [ The Universe: It's everywhere you want to be. ]
 warning [ War doesn't determine who is right, war determines who is left. ]

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