Total number of files:           33202
Total number of licensed files:  14393
Total number of NPLed files:     9640
Total number of MPLed files:     4753
Total number of GPLed files:     2047
Total number of LGPLed files:    0
Total number of BSD files:       56
Total number of MIT files:       8

Percent licensed under the NPL:  67%
Percent of MPL files also GPLed: 43%

- Whoah: is the squeaky wheel finally getting a little grease?!? 
Fifty-one FEWER NPLed files this time, 14 MORE MPLed, and 3 more
GPLed.  Perhaps the proverbial single step on that journey of 9,640
- Script is now Perlescent (in addition to its former
Bootyliscousness), hence better, stronger, faster.  Yep, I learned a
little Perl due solely to Mozilla, and will now never write another
shell script.  So don't say Mozilla never did nothing for me.
- Script has been made a bit more discerning at the request of Mr.
Markham, resulting in the new counts for LGPL (none), BSD (56), and
MIT (8) licenses.  I don't know, to me those numbers fall in the
"negligible" bin.

Gary R. Van Sickle, Duke of Perl

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