Christopher Jahn wrote:

> And it came to pass that Mama Cass wrote:
>>In netscape.public.mozilla.general the people heard Esben
>>Mose Hansen say these wise words:
>>>:-D Can you name one piece of software that does not
>>>:fullfill all those three? vi, maybe ;-) 
>>Photoshop fufills all the above criteria.
> Not hardly.  It only will undo one level, and it locks up on me 
> at least once a session.

Photoshop undoes 20 levels.  Ctrl-Z/Command-Z only does one level, but 
you can bring up the history panel and select how far back you want to go.

As for the locking up part, I don't have that happen, although I did 
once see photoshop complain that it wasn't the default mail client.  I'm 

> And it also doesn't follow Windows conventions very well.  
> Drives me up the wall.

It was originally made for the mac.  That's probably why.

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