In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jonathan Wilson 

> What in particular makes 4.x better than 6 for the users?

I encourage Netscape 4.x users to look for alternatives. However, here 
are some reasons why (I think) some people are still sticking to nav 4.x:

* Linux distribution came with Nav 4.x. Too lazy to upgrade.
* Mac OS came with IE and Nav 4.x. Won't use anything from MS. Won't
  download alternatives.
* Doesn't like the XUL-based UI.
* Netscape 6 takes more RAM.
* Netscape 6 wants a faster CPU.
* Netscape 6 starts up slowly on Mac OS 8.5...9.2.1
* Special feature need. Eg. roaming.
* Trapped with Messenger: Doesn't want to risk migrating mail to a new
* Using a *really* exotic variant of Unix with no Mozilla port available.
* Using a less exotic flavor of Unix with a Mozilla port available but
  no Netscape 6.2 port. Too scared to use Mozilla without the Netscape
* FUD still flying around due to Netscape 6.0.
* Problem with a plug-in.
* Thinks that using Nav 4.x is a statement against Microsoft and wants
  to make a statement against MS but irrationally doesn't follow the
  same logic with any other non-MS browser--including Netscape 6.2.

Henri Sivonen

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