And it came to pass that Ian Davey wrote:

> Christopher Jahn wrote:
>> And it came to pass that Gregory Spath wrote:
>>>In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christopher Jahn
>>>([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: 
>>>>And it came to pass that Schelstraete Bart wrote:
>>>>>Jay Garcia wrote:
>>>>>>Jonathan Wilson wrote:
>>>>>>>What in particular makes 4.x better than 6 for the
>>>>>>>users? Also, given that netscape is focused on netscape
>>>>>>>6, why do they still even bother to support 4.x?
>>>>>>>There are many Corporate Enterprise users out there
>>>>>>>that PAID for the application suite. Communicator will
>>>>>>>be supported for quite some time. 
>>>>>And NEtscape is quite 'incomplete' for corporate usage.
>>>>>For example: 
>>>>>            -    No calendar client
>>>>>            -    No search function in addressbook
>>>>>            -    No roaming access.
>>>>>            -    Netscape 6 still has some problems with
>>>>>            forms. 
>>>>Not to mention 
>>>> -the inability to sync with PALM/PDA's
>>>> -lack of print preview
>>>> -lack of addressbook export function -inability to use
>>>> external mail clients 
>>>What does any of that have to do with a web browser 
>> A question was asked, and it was answered.  This is what
>> people expect of Netscape 6, regardless of your thoughts on
>> the matter. 
>> People want everything they had in Communicator, and not
>> one thing less will do.  Netscape 6.x is VERY lacking when
>> held to Communicator's list of features.  When people have
>> been driving a Cadillac El Dorado, you don't give them a
>> Dodge Neon and  expect an enthusiastic response. 
> I think you're generalizing a bit here. I've switched
> entirely to NS6.x/Mozilla now, 

Then you don't fall into the group of people sticking with 
Communicator over N6/Mozilla, do you?  ;-)

I didn't pull that list out of thin air; I pulled it off the 
FEEDBACK groups and the Netscape support groups.

}:-)       Christopher Jahn
{:-(         Dionysian Reveler
How did a fool and his money get together in the first place?
To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

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