Oliver Prill-Alex wrote:

> Hi!
> I already posted this on the secnews.netscape.com server and got an answer
> from Jay Garcia (thanks!) but somehow I cannot post to this server anymore
> and his answer didn't help me... So I try again:
> I installed NS 6.2 a couple of days ago on my new XP Pro and I changed the
> prefs.js file with the mail sound lines (at this stage I didn't know that it
> does not work anymore in 6.2):
> user_pref("mail.biff.play_sound",true);
> user_pref("mail.biff.use_default_sound", false);
> user_pref("mail.biff.sound_file", "c:\\windows\\Media\\mysound.wav");
> ok, it didn't work, I look through the newsgroups and found out that it
> cannot work since it's based on mozilla 0.94. So I changed the prefs.js once
> again (just deleted the last three lines) and thought I am now back to
> normal... But, now I have NO SOUND at all! HELP! I did not change anything
> else, just this file. How can I get back my default sound? I checked the
> setting in the preferences and it sould work (tick).
> Does anyone know what to do?
> Referring to the answer from Jay (basically it said: the mail notification
> does only work from 0.95 onwards), it did work BEFORE I changed the prefs.js
> file, I just got the default warning sound, which was set in the windows
> preferences. Now I don't get ANY SOUND AT ALL! Something must have changed
> somewhere just by adding these line, starting the prg and deleting the files
> again.
> I was thinking of just installing NS6.2 again OVER the existing version, but
> I am not sure, if I lose all my settings by doing this...
> Thank for any hints,
> olli

Mail notification sound does not work in 6.2 and there is nothing you
can do to make it work that I know of.

Sound notification works in Mozilla as of about 2 weeks ago or so and
uses the default New Mail Notification sound file in Windows. I don't
know about the other OS's.

Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
Novell MCNE-5/CNI-Networking Technologies-OSI
UFAQ - http://www.UFAQ.org

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