Mike Cramer wrote:

> Jason Bassford wrote:
>> Bad behaviour (causing
>> unnecessary traffic) as a default on the part of a browser should not
>> be condoned.
> Let's see here. Assume you get 1000 pageviews a day from 100 people. A 
> request for /favicon.ico is something like what? 30 characters? Plus a 
> response about the same size (if you "touch favicon.ico")? And this 
> happens once per user? That's 3K worth of traffic. Add a 2K favicon and 
> you end up with 63K of traffic.

And adds a 400-byte error report to your log.

Now look at a site like mozilla.org, which gets 15 million hits a month. 
Assume it doesn't want a favicon, that most users use Mozilla/Netscape, 
and that each Mozilla user's browser checks for the icon once a week - 
say once every 100 page loads.

How many bogus log entries is that in a month? 300Mb.

Why should webmasters have to put up with or work around this?


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