Hi mozilla contributors

With growing interest in the past weeks I have observed the ongoing
development of the mozilla project. I read in this newsgroup the debates
about two of (as it seems to me) very strongly asked for features:
favicon and print preview. After getting a first glance of mozilla0.9.6,
I am in doubt if the presented solutions are optimal. Whereas the ideas
are good, the implementation has not been properly finished:

print preview:
- why is there no print preview for E-mail messages?
- why is the print preview function not accessible via the print
pop-down menu in the navigation toolbar?
- the print preview function has no undo (besides doing a reload) ...
why not opening a separate (browser-)window for the preview?
- pressing the "back"-button during print preview returns one step too far
- in the print dialog, the user has options covering how to print 
framesets. Similar options are missing in print preview

- the white background in the www.mozilla.org-favicon should be

Additionaly I've remarked some new bugs in the mailnews-component 0.9.6:
- mozilla is using the same column-configuration (i.e. "subject", 
"date", "recipient/sender" ...) for displaying messages from mail- and 
- there are some redrawing-bugs while calibrating/rearranging those 
columns (currently, there is no redrawing)

It remains the question, if mozilla 0.9.6 finally is a step back. Those 
first impressions stated above can certainly only partally contribute to 
an answer. Continuing usage will reveal more. But until version 1.0 is 
released, bug tracking should definitively have priority. The sooner 
V1.0 is ready, the sooner you will have time to elaborately implement 

thanks for reading

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