Kuno Meyer wrote:

> print preview:
> - why is there no print preview for E-mail messages?
> - why is the print preview function not accessible via the print
> pop-down menu in the navigation toolbar?
> - the print preview function has no undo (besides doing a reload) ...
> why not opening a separate (browser-)window for the preview?
> - pressing the "back"-button during print preview returns one step too 
> far

I am not sure if this is by design, but this is what I discovered.  The 
print preview option in the file menu is a toggle option instead of an 
absolute option.  In other words if you are in normal view than hitting 
print preview vill take you to print preview view, but if you are 
already in print preview view than it takes you back to normal view 
without reloading(at least it appears to not reload for me).

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