Zack Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Almost all software crashes at times that are "unknown", meaning that
> it is an unexpected event. Mozilla milestone builds rarely ever crash
> on my system, especially the mail client.

Mozilla's stability is different on different platforms, and the
original poster didn't specify which platform he was using.  My own
experience of Mozilla could support both of your views -- the mail
client works well on Windows, but horribly unwell on MacOS.

My mean time between crashes on MacOS is two hours or three Reply
compositions.  When it does crash, it freezes up the Mac until the
user force-quits mozilla.  Sadly, I've never seen a Talkback report
generated after the force-quit; if everybody's Mac installation is as
silent as mine when crashing then the bug trackers will end up with a
badly skewed impression of the stability of MailNews on MacOS.

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