Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:

> I can not believe that I am the only one having the problem if the
> Netscape Champions program recommends not puting both on the same
> partition on the same hard drive.

Where did you come up with this bit of info ??? The Champions Program
has never made this recommendation.

> Its recommended by the Netscape Champions program. NOT to have N6 and
> Communicator installed on the same Hard drive if using one partition (as
> i do)  or on the same Partition if the drive is paritioned.

See above reply

I run NS 6, Mozilla AND Communicator on the same drive on 8 different
workstations here with no noticeable conflicts whatsoever.

My brother does the same on 4 different Macs including a G4 with no
noticeable problems.

Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
Novell MCNE-5/CNI-Networking Technologies-OSI

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