On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 02:32:03 -0500, Chocobo greens wrote:

> that is very easy for you to say, for some of us, the red star, like
> mozilla's is still a symbol of death and destruction

Sure, sure, you're entitled to that opinion. But what do you propose

Using enormous amounts of energy on ranting about what is, is far less
constructive, for you, than to use energy on proposing viable

Come up with a set of graphics, that is *so much better* that
everybody can't help to be convinced that it's a good idea to use them
instead, then!

Show us how much better you can make it, or how much better your ideas

  Best regards,

 "We're not all commie-bastards" splash-screen edition:      Adam Sjøgren
 http://www.koldfront.dk/misc/capizilla3.jpg            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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