* DeMoN LaG ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [011207 17:53]:
> Jay Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED], on 06 Dec 2001: 
> > 
> > What "red star" ??? I have NEVER seen a "red star" on my desktop
> > representing Mozilla or any other application for that matter.
> >
> I've seen 3 logo's: A red dinosaur head
> A cute little green dino head (that is use, part of Mozctl.dll, unless
> i'm not remembering the filename correctly)
> The seamonkey thing
> I've never seen a red star. I can't even find a red star in my recent 
> trunk build, in any of the files (.exe or .dll). I remember the last  
> thread about this I assumed this was a linux thing or something,      
> but I don't even see a red star on my linux box that I put together   
> earlier tonight...                                                    

I've got a red star mozilla logo in my /usr/share/pixmaps dir. It's
installed by my 'mozilla-browser' Debian package. Whether Debian adds it
or it comes as part of the mozilla they use to build it, I don't know
(nor care).

File's attached in case anyone's interested.


Attachment: mozilla.xpm
Description: X pixmap

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