On Sat, 08 Dec 2001 16:43:47 -0500, Christopher Jahn wrote:

> And it came to pass that Chocobo_greens wrote:
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 08:17:37 -0500, Jonas Jørgensen wrote:
>>> Fine, but then you should stop saying things like "communist still
>>> murder thousands in the world under the red star".
>>> /Jonas
>> the reason i cant stop saying that is becaue of stuff like this:
>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/south_asia/newsid_1689
>> 000/1689997.stm
>> I AM Nepalese and the Mozilla red star is the symbol of the communist
>> movement here. they killed  ~400 people just the other day.. is that
>> not murder under the name of communism and the red star?
> The Mozilla icon has nothing to do with the communist movemenet in
> Nepal.  It is a basic geometric shape widely used by a lot of people for
> a lot of reasons.
> Small-minded people need to grasp that coincidences happen; for you it's
> an unfortuante association, for others it's reminiscent of trips accross
> country, with stops at Texaco stations.
> Get over yourself and your petty prejudices.

ok, it may be the texaco logo but tell me, 
do you think this page has no communist inclinations?
look at this:


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