CaT wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 05:48:21AM +0100, Morten Nilsen wrote:
>>seriously anyways. If I had a uninvent gadget, I'd uninvent two things:
>>Religion and Internet explorer :D
> Religion? You'd uninvent religion?!
> You communist pig-dog bastard.

I'm not communist, just atheist.
But I'm not the kind of atheist that writes off anything not proven in 
science though.

> And never mind IE you anti-capitalist, anti-freedom, anti-democracy
> boofhead.

anti-capitalist I can understand, but anti-freedom?? anti-democracy??

IE is not about freedom and democracy, IMHO, it's about monopoly...

Oh crap... I seem to have inadvertently created some flamebait :(

It was a _joke_ damnit. I don't like IE, and I don't believe in gods 
either, but it was still just a joke.

Morten Nilsen, aka Dr. P

   4th Age webmaster & designer -
                            Webprogrammer for hire

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