Ian Thomas wrote:

> barney wrote:
>> I'm curious why mozilla is branching with a top crasher bug not yet fixed?
>> http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114377
> That argument about it being a topcrasher doesn't really carry any weight.
> topcrash is totally relative - you will always have topcrashers. If you 
> have a single crasher, then that is a topcrasher.

I'm not sure I follow you on this, at least in this case.  Somebody even
commented in the bug "This is a topcrasher with recent MozillaTrunk
builds on Win2k, XP and NT" so it's very unlikely to be a "single
crasher", unless I'm misinterpretting what this means.  Since I'm on
Win98, it isn't limited to any particular Win version, either.  The
number of duplicate bugs also indicate it's not a couple of isolated

> The question you really need to ask is two fold
> 1) How many people does this affect?

I'm curious how many talkback reports were generated from this myself,
but it appears to potentially affect anybody running Windows.  That's
probably a sizable number.  If there's more to it than just the O/S,
like a particular graphics card or something, there's no info on it.

> 2) How badly does it affect these people? (e.g. how frequently)

My personal experience was virtually every session.  Guess that's the
price I paid for my browsing habits.  I gather from the bug report that
there are plenty of other folks with the similar habits.

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