Claude Gohier wrote:

>>> Personally, I think this backspace for back is a big improvement, 
>>> especially for those of us with non-US keyboards.
>> Why is it harder for you to hit alt+left/right arrow on a non-US 
>> keyboard? I'm using a Danish keyboard, and I don't have any problems 
>> with it.
> Because for non-US keyboads, the right alt key is used as a special key 
> to get accented characters... So, we must use the left alt key, and both 

> hands.

Doh! Of course.

I agree that it would be good to have an easier shortcut for 
back/forward than alt+arrow keys, but backspace is a very bad choice. We 
need to find something that doesn't cause confusion and dataloss. Any ideas?

Thousands of innocent people killed at the WTC. Thousands of innocent 
people killed in the US's bombing of Afghanistan. How can you say that 
one of these actions is good while the other is an act of terrorism?

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