Geoff wrote:

> Hi,
> This post is *not* a complaint.  I have nothing but admiration and
> gratitude for the developers of moz, galeon, and opera, all of which I
> use.  I am not a fluent programmer and I do not pretend to understand
> javascript. I would, however, be really grateful if someone could explain,
> in terms I have a chance of understanding, why it is that so many sites
> (especially commercial sites), can be viewed without problems in my clunky
> old Netscape 4.76, but throw up (in particular), javascript errors or
> otherwise fail to render properly in any of the more recent browsers I
> have mentioned?  I understand that opera has its own design and problems,
> but could not the core functionality of Netscape 4 have been carried over
> into moz?

Mozilla has been built to be standards compliant. Unfortunately many 
sites are using bad browser sniffing which sends code written for 
Netscape 4 to all Mozilla/x.x versions. So when you see a site that 
Mozilla can't handle but Netscape 4.x can, 99% of the time it's the 
site's fault and not Mozilla's.


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