You took the words right out of my mouth. Anyone good ideas for a JTK 
Kill filter?

On 31-12-2001 7:13, DeMoN LaG made an attempt to write...

>Oh shut up already.  I *really* wish this weren't an open source project 
>right now, so they could ban you permanently.  You do nothing but 
>disrupt, post nothing of use/value/truth, and just flat out lie to 
>anyone who is dumb enough to read your posts.  You don't like Mozilla, 
>and you think it's a dead project.  Fine.  Let it die in peace than.  
>You are like a jackass who would go into a hospital room with a sick 
>patient and say "ooo, man, you are going to die, aren't you?" instead of 
>"Hey buddy!  Tell ya what, I just made reservations for the bahamas for 
>us after you get out of here".  You'd do something like that, wouldn't 

Vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,

Arthur Costerus

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