JTK wrote:

> Well, until you try to run/unizp whatever you downloaded and 
> Windows/Winzip tells you it's short.  Here's an interim patch until 
> future civilizations rediscover the magic of ZMODEM and are able to 
> resume failed file transfers.  You're more than welcome:
> if(DownloadFailed)
> {
>     MessageBox(NULL, "Download failed.", NULL, MB_OK);
>     DeleteFile(LocalDownloadFilename);
> }

Even if it were a valid patch, that one should be a WONTFIX as:

1) Download manager will be implemented in the not too distant future
2) You can use tools like WGET to complete unfinished downloads
3) It's crap

You could always spend the time between now and then learning how to use 
diff to create valid patches, as you obviously have no idea. Or is this 
just planting a seed so that when download manager does appear you can 
claim it was because of you?


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