To: the Iconic Revisionist Collective
cc: ISO

Subject: The excision of the '+' as a symbol of religious and political

Dear Sirs,

It has come to my attention that you are pursuing the worthy goal of
destroying all iconic representations that may call to mind or otherwise
appear to support political affiliations that all right minded thinking
people rightfully abhor.

As a part of this effort I would like to draw your attention to the
continuing perfidious use of a symbol that is associated with a group of
organisations in the past that have ritually slaughtered, castrated and
persecuted others simply because they did not worship this symbol.

Shocking as it may seem this symbol is so prevalent that it is used every
day in our schools, our universities, even our desktop calculators promote
this sickening organisation.  Our children's minds are polluted with this
filth from the time they begin to do simple arithmetic.  No wonder our
society is corrupt and even common snackfoods are used in an attempt to
assassinate our leaders.  A snackfood in the shape of the secret celtic
knot, another symbol of ritual slaughter, who can forget the barbarism of
the Druids?

But I digress.  Let this older and more powerful symbol be the real target
of your great and noble cause.  Petition your lawmakers and school boards.
Say no to '+' in all its forms.  If I were medically fit I would also be
strenuous in my efforts to aid and support you.  Sadly, however, I am
unable to gain access to computers on a regular basis since the incident
with the Daily Planet.  But never fear that there are those that believe in
your goals, a truly value free, content free representational scheme to
which no one objects.

Let the empty square be our symbol, let there be no differentiation or
slight causal connection with any thought or concept.

Let us be free!

Humbly yours,

A friend

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