Alright, I guess it's up to Ol' JTK to solve yet another one of the 
bottomless cup o' problems that is Mozilla.

We all know that Mozilla's communism-glorifying graphics, in particular 
the main "about" screen that comes up by default when you start Mozilla 
(that is when it doesn't mysteriously say "Netscape"), have to go.  But 
nobody in the Maozilla Politburo has the guts to do so, for reasons 
unfathomable to this writer.  So here's the answer:

Flood fill the commie star with blue and white instead of red and gold.

Problem solved.  Fifteen minutes of work absolute tops.  Oh, and pull 
down that stupid "For the good of the code" page dripping with commie 
banners that exactly nobody has ever put on a web site.

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