La pooh wrote:
> Why not get a proffesional to design a real logo and graphical style for the
> mozilla.
> The design of the site and logo and splash screen looks like shit.
> Looks like a 12 yearold drew it in psp.
> And please do not let any open source guy do it, they seem to not be
> so graphical. HIRE A DESIGN FIRM!
> Beg Netscape for the money to it. Mozilla would benefit from a more serious
> approach.

1. Nobody wants to spend the money
2. No art is being changed before 1.0 (legal reasons, art isn't subject 
to the MPL)
3. I and many others are perfectly content with the look and feel of 
4. Mozilla isn't technically meant to be released directly to the end 
consumer (my mom, for example) thus it is left to the vendor to supply 
the necessary graphical style.
5. The site style looks fine to me.
6. Much of the current art will change after legal issues are worked out.

Many people agree with you about the splash screen (what seems to be 
your key concern), google for "mozilla splash screen list" or just check 
out . To install one of 
these screens, convert it to a bitmap named mozilla.bmp and stick it in 
the mozilla root directory.

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