Just a few questions I had, prob'ly deserves a flame because I don't 
spend enough time in the Newsgroups, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

Not to toot the Devil's horn too much, but will the future NS/Mozilla 
work with the mail notification on the Windows XP user login screen 
(where it says a user has x number of messages on y account).  I read 
somewhere that Windows lets people add to this functionality, so maybe 
Mozilla/NS could?

In mail, will it inform me that I have message in the taskbar?  Will it 
be an email icon or a little green arrow on the Netscape quicklaunch 
icon?  How will it work exactly?  Stay there until all my messages are 
read, go away once I open Netscape Mail, etc.?  Will it function 
correctly when all my browser/mail windows are closed?  That is, when 
everything is closed still check all my accounts every few minutes, 
download the message, and display a mail icon (I have a cable connection 
so I don't mind it checking it every few minutes 24 hours a day).

Will newsgroups allow to you watch a thread, being able to highlight it? 
  I noticed that Netscape seems to automatically check the newsgroups 
and download headers when the mail program is launched, will it 
highlight the newsgroup if there are new messages to the watched thread 
(again, not to toot the Devil's horn with OE).

I probably shouldn't say too many of my other quirks about the mail 
program because I've occasionally looked at the updates on the 
mozilla.org site and there's always TONS of bugs fixed in the mail dept. 
(no pun intended)... I'll just hope that everything else gets cleaned up 
in the end.

Will there (finally) be some themes coming out more often after 1.0? 
Maybe it's me, but the modern color scheme looks kinda drab compared to 
the high contrasting colors of XP.

I know it's extremely low-priority Netscape side stuff, but regarding 
Netscape Messenger, will some halfway decent features be included, like 
changing the font size/color, making the window actually display all the 
icons without resizing it, allowing the icons to be displayed, allowing 
file transfer, and, well, overall have a cleaner interface?  Also some 
wishes is that I can "Appear Offline" or go "Invisible"... or atleast 
see who's online when my Away message is up!  That's about the only 
readon I use MSN Messenger at this point.  But then again, I have to use 
good ol' AIM half the time anyway because MSN Messenger file transfer 
doesn't work over a Linksys (NAT) firewall.  Yeesh!  Also, will the 
quicklaunch button ever feature any Mesenger links?  Maybe a quick menu 
to show who's online when you roll over it, then being able to send them 
a message when you click on their name, or perhaps a menu to choose your 
status (i.e. Appear Offline, Invisible, Away, whatever).

Is there something that will ever be done to not having Java included in 
the recommended download?  And after I do go through that process, it 
taking FOREVER to load for one page and then staying there for the rest 
of eternity eating up my RAM unless I shut the browser down completely?

Will it be able to integrate all of the streaming players, Real, Windows 
Media, or whatever.  It already does quicktime rather well, doesn't it?

Will there be a way to lock the width of the tabs pane?  One of the 
things that annoys me is that it is awkward to use (so usually I don't. 
  If I click on it and hit the wrong angle, I move the layout width or 
miss the incredibly small hit area and mess up my layout and have to fix it.

Um... I think that's about all of the questions I have.  I know most of 
the work now is on fixing what's broken and not adding new features. 
I've just been sticking with the Netscape 6 project since Preview 
Release 1 and I'm getting a little anxious to get this awesome browser I 
was promised.  Heck, I wouldn't mind paying for it and reimbursing the 
programmers if the features were there.  I'm not anti-Netscape or 
anti-Microsoft, I just want a better browsing experience than both offer 
at present.  I'll be honest though, I'm quite anxious to see the release 
of Netscape 6.3, or, even more so, 6.5.  Good day!

Thanks guys and gals!
Best regards,

P.S. Oh yeah while I'm at it, I've heard mention of a big "favicon.ico 
issue"  I know favicons are the little graphics that appear next to the 
address bar, but what is the issue exactly?

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